The direct download links of Office 2010 below no longer works. But there is still a way to get a free 60 days trial key for Office 2010 (continue reading for instructions).

Microsoft has discontinued giving away Office 2010 trial keys after the release of Office 2013 and Office 365. Get Free Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key (60-day trial) This edition includes Microsoft Office Access 2010, Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 including all modules which are included in Office Home and Business 2010 edition. Microsoft Office 2010 Professional edition retails for $499.95. Office Home and Business 2010 retails for $279.95 and includes Microsoft Outlook 2010 on top of what is already offered in the basic edition. It includes the basic core Office modules which includes Microsoft Office Word 2010, Microsoft Office Excel 2010, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 and Microsoft Office OneNote 2010. Office Home and Student 2010 is the most basic edition of the productivity suite which retails for $149.99. These three different retail editions of Office 2010 are Office Home and Student 2010, Office Home and Business 2010 and Office Professional 2010. The software giant released three editions of Microsoft Office 2010. Microsoft Office 2010 is no doubt a very popular office productivity suite.